Sorting and picking equipment
For several years now the supermarket chains have been insisting more and more on the use of so-called mixed cartons or trays, where different flavours of a same product are packed together.
Unfortunately, not all production lines can meet with this requirement and the result is that the manufacturer is obliged to employ an extensive manual workforce or even has to repack at a later stage.
This is where our versatile sorting, packing and order commissioning systems can bring you an economical and place-saving solution.
These systems can either pack several flavours directly into a mixed arrangement or take the product from several one-flavour containers and refill into a mixed pack. Accumulation systems can also be integrated, should the number of the different products not be the same.
Whether 2, 3, 4 or even more different flavours are to be packed together, or whether for cups, glasses, bottles, multipacks, cans, pouches, flowpacks or other products, we can always find the appropriate solution.